

*knock knock*

Andrew – Come in
Sam – hi there I’m here about the job
Andrew – hello there wonderful to see you just wonderful… Pause… so whats your name my friend
Sam – Sam Gardener
Andrew – and how are you with children is the real main thing we should know here
Sam – well you know I have had quite a lot of experience actually, me and my wife have two children two lovely twins both aged 5
Andrew – Wonderful, have you ever thought about bringing them to the nursery here
Sam – well actually I have it will be a great idea
Andrew – Ah Well both of my children were here in the nursery now there all grown up now there well there doctors. It’s amazing really
Sam – well its amazing watching them grow
Andrew – I know I know… *pause* anyway. Do you like toys by any chance?
Sam – well actually I am I’m a fan of fisherprice myself favourite brand of mine
Andrew – toy box is full of them!
Sam – Can’t get enough of fisherprice
Andrew – toys are a big part of this nursery, what would you bring to this job?
Sam – I feel that I can add to it have a big impact on the children.
Andrew – on the more serious note any previous convictions
Sam – well urmm well urhh
Andrew – well we shall go through that, I think the children will love you
Sam – thankyou
Andrew – start tomorrow
Sam – that’s great! Thankyou very much
Andrew – see you bright and early tomorrow morning.

Preliminary Task

Casting Notes and Location Report

Location Report.

I need to find a quiet office with it colourful as its a party job. i would need it medium size with only two chairs and a table with a door in veiw. this is difficult to find as my house doesnt have an office or a quiet room neither does any of my friends which are involved in this. i would need to do it in school time which is harder becuase there might not be any rooms available and will not be enough time.

Casting Notes!

I chose to do a job interview because it was one of my easiest options this was only because I have been to job interviews and I know what they are like. I have chosen to have Daniel Ashfield and Dale Stewart to be my manager and my applicant (Dale as the manager and Daniel as the applicant) this is because Daniel got a B for GCSE in drama and he is hard working and Dale because he is nice and hard working too.
I have chosen to have a radio at the beginning of the scene. When the applicant knocks on the door, that’s when the manager turns off the radio because, it’s an interview so its business. Then when the applicant walks out of the room the manager turns it back on.
I have chosen to have the manager dressed smartly because it’s an interview so they need to be smart, but for the applicant I have chosen to have them dressed up as it’s for a party rep so they have to make a good impression. If they came in dressed up then it shows they are interested in the business where as if they came in dressed in a suit the it shows that they only want to make a good impression and do not seem interested in the job as much.
On some scenes I have chosen to use close ups to show the expressions on the applicants face and a close up on the handshake and the CV this is because I thought it would be more interesting. I have used panning on the main conversation because this just goes from one person to another so it shows the conversation. When the applicant comes through the door I am going to have the camera follow him in and the same when he goes out.

Hello :)

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